About the Journal
Research Mosaic (RM), ISSN (P- 2959-1813) (E- 2959-1821), published underĀ Global Research Development (SMC-Private) Limited (CUI No. 0247139), that has the aspirations of publishing quality research work. It is a quarterly, blind peer-reviewed, broad-spectrum, open-access, scholarly journal that provides a dedicated, multidisciplinary forum for international research on all aspects of social sciences, management sciences, arts, and humanities. The Journal publishes original review papers, as well as auxiliary material such as research papers, case studies, review articles, and reports, etc. that correspond with both its scope and editorial criteria. For an expedited and transparent process of research work publication, the journal operates an Online Journal Management System for online submission and processing of the manuscripts. In the processing and publication of research work, RM follows the HEC criteria in letters and spirit.